"How dare you disturb my slumber!"

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - Posted by Amanda Bast
I was beginning to worry about how I would pay for Mexico, but a TON of support has piled in, and both my dad and I have raised far above the amount we needed to go. This means that the extra money goes directly to the kids down at Pan de Vida (for school supplies, most likely). Guys, thanks so much for your support so far, it really means alot, and I will hug the kids for you when I'm down there. I'm so blessed to be able to do this...it blows my mind that this is actually happening!

Last night (this morning?) the parents got in from their week long trip. Their plane was delayed four hours, so they didn't arrive at home until 3:00am. Upon arriving, Maja (no, not the waitress) came down to my room to say hello. She woke me, and I responded with, "Who are you?" I remember being scared out of my mind, trying to figure out who this woman was and why she had the audacity to wake me from my slumber at such a ridiculous hour. And then she laughed at me. In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude!"

A dollar goes to the person who knows what movie the title of this post comes from.

Important Dates:
Feb 5 - my whole everything is due on this day, and then I can breathe
Feb 8 - Tyler Schwende Band returns to Wilf's!!!! Ty rox!!!~LOLz!!!!111 <3
Feb 9 - Pan de Vida Potluck at Pablo's
Feb 11 - Commissioning of Mexico Team
Feb 12 - midterm
Feb 13 - midterm
Feb 14 - midterm