Amanda is Thankful For...
Monday, October 8, 2007 - Posted by Amanda Bast
...her brother whom, at 26 years of age, still needs to be told, "No honey, you aren't a wrestler," when he picks up a chair in a threatening manner.
...her sister-in-law, who has the patience to deal with her wannabe wrestler brother.
...her other brother whom, at 22 years of age, still thinks the words "penis" and "vagina" are hilarious.
...her best friends who never fail to make her laugh and support her when she's not at her best.
...her legs and feet - however dysfunctional they may be - that keep her walking.
...her sense of humour - what would life be without laughter?
...her kindergarten kids who constantly put things into perspective.
...the roof over her head, the food on her plate, the clothes on her body.
...the opportunities she has only because she lives in Canada.
...her Saviour - to Him she owes everything.