the goose is getting fat
Monday, December 24, 2007 - Posted by Amanda Bast
Every Christmas Eve, Dad goes to the workshop (fondly referred to as "the museum") to wrap presents. I have to say, Dad is the best male wrapper in our house. Josh prefers the "throw it in a bag with some tissue paper" method, while Matt prefers the "threaten to withhold little sister's gift unless she wraps everyone's gift but her own and then go with Josh's method to wrap hers" method.
But Dad, he actually wraps things. And when he does, he sings. Loudly. With no radio. Actually, Dad's singing is more like yelling, and he usually doesn't remember the words. Example: "IN THE MEADOW WE CAN BUILD A SNOOOOWMAN! THEN Mmmmdhhhahhmfhshsh haaaaa! HE'LL SAY ARE YOU MARRIED, hhaaamammahaaahaha jmmmdfsdkjfjjfff! BUT YOU CAN DO THE JOB WHEN YOU'RE IN TOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!"
I experienced this event this morning. Ah yes, Christmas is here. I can't wait.