signs that say you probably shouldn't be on the road

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - Posted by Amanda Bast
(Mom, you might not want to read this)

-you've just written two midterms and you feel like your brain is going to explode
-your contacts are dry and you feel it is necessary to blink every half-second
-well traveled city streets are coated in snow
-people are going 40 km/h on the highway
-when you turn on your high beams, it does nothing but light up the snow ahead of you and make things scarier
-the tire tracks you are following frequently swerve around the road
-it is still snowing
-it is dark and there are no street lights
-when the plow goes by, it seemingly does nothing because the snow is so packed into the road
-you don't see another car on the road for a good 15 or 20 minutes
-you can't remember if you charged your cell phone
-parts of the drive that normally take you five minutes, take 15 minutes
-no one from home knows what time you left the city, or if you left at all
-a 40 minute drive takes you an additional 40 minutes

Probably wasn't the best decision to drive home last night. I did it anyway.

Now that I'm home safe, I'm excited for MEXICO! I leave early early this Friday morning. If you wish to do so, here is a list of things you can pray for (I really like lists):

-safe travel, including no delays because of the weather
-the entire team gets all of their luggage, and we don't experience any bag searches (this is what I'm most concerned about, for some reason)
-arrival of the bus in Mexico City and safe transport to the orphanage
-food! That it is gluten free and safe, and doesn't make anyone sick
-safety while working (mixing concrete, etc)
-that God will keep our hearts open to whatever he wants to teach us
-my mommy back home - that she isn't enjoying her time to herself tooooo too much

The weather forecast in Mexico is up in the mid-twenties today :o)