I would like you to meet Marwyn's Sweet Sassafras (here she is with Kirk, waving hello):
M.S.S. (or Sassie, as we call her) is a 10 week old Miniature Schnauzer puppy, weighing in at a whopping four pounds. At first, Miss Sassie-frass was quite shy and timid (Kristi can attest to this) and didn't want to do anything besides cuddle, thus earning her the nickname, SQUEEZY BABY (thanks, Annie). Over the weekend, she's gotten used to her new home, and her true colours are beginning to show through, and I'm happy to report she is one spunky little puppy.
She's also very talented. Here she is doing her bunny impression:
Here she is being a wonderfully fantastic obstacle between me and my studies.
She's also really good at being impossibly cute.