Speed Stick

Saturday, April 4, 2009 - Posted by Amanda Bast
On my last day of placement, the kids were working on commercials to advertise a product that they would find in their bathroom. I took videos of most of these commercials, and I really wish I could post one, but that would probably be illegal. BUT I can post a transcript of my video:

H: This is the best deodorant. If a dragon comes to your school, get in a fight. Who do you think's gonna win. The dragon. No. Think again. It's gonna be the human.


Another kid in class: Huh?

(more silence)

Teacher: Alright you gotta show us the deodorant. You hid it. We couldn't see the Speed Stick. For dragon fighters, right? You gotta show us the product. Do you want to try it again?

H: Sure.

Teacher: Action.

H: Hey, this is the best deodorant because if you wear it then a dragon comes to your school then you get in a fight. Who do you think's gonna win. The dragon. No. Think again. It's gonna be the human because um. This deodorant gives you special powers to fight it.

(long pause)

(said in quiet but authoritative voice) SPEED STICK.