"They don't call it gymNICEtics!"

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - Posted by Amanda Bast
It's been a few days since my last post. Blasted exams! The first wave is over for now, and they were ok, I think stats went well...we shall see.

Lets see....this past weekend....Friday was the potluck. It was good but I couldn't breathe at the end of it, like usual. Stupid cats.
I studied all of Saturday away, then went to dindin with Diana. We saw an old man wipe out in the middle of Swiss Chalet and take a plate down with him. His toupee was rad.

After dinner, Kristi convinced me to take an extended study break and watch "Stick It" with her, Caleb and Emily (Tyler jumped on the irresponsible train later on in the evening). Well worth the break, let me tell you. It enriched my life. "Pointy toes, not pointy words! Pointy words are mouse turds!"
We talked about the prospect of me dating a tree, or a lamp, or something else inanimate. Kristi proceeded to draw me a boyfriend (Lenny) on a piece of cardboard. He's downright delicious. Man, I'm one lucky girl.

Sunday was a good day, I think. McCleod said something about dating someone cheap and the energizer bunny. Our small group cooked for feeding frenzy. 25 pounds of ground beef. Delightful. I made juice that resembled liquid manure, and made fun of Steve while he browned the meat. We ate with the Albert Street boys. Very amusing - it was like dinner and a show.

Studied and baked Mom's famous cookies. According to her, mine weren't as good as hers usually are. I'm thinking of starting a cookie baking and delievery service. I'd have at least one customer.

I keep being told by guelph c4c people that I look like the girl from Back to the Future. I don't see it. People I don't know have been told that I look like her, and when they meet me they stare, and eventually agree. I feel like a circus act.

Weird family conversations of the day:
Josh: "have you done anything to my room yet?"
me: "no, I have to pick up paint chips."
Josh: "don't eat them."

Completely seperate occasion:
me: "I have to pick up paint chips sometime."
Mom: "Don't eat them."