Subtle Monkeys
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - Posted by Amanda Bast
Just an update - I'm marrying Moose and living in a Moldovian prison. Our main mode of transportation will be a flutter board, and to keep food on the table for our 64 kids, I will be a binder coil putter-inner. Melissa the frog breeder, will provide for Moose's 54 additional children. I should actually have a conversation with the guy before this whole baby-making thing starts becoming an issue.
I've been feeling sort of funny these days. I thought I was going to pass out in geography class today. It freaked me out a little, because I don't know anyone in the class. What if no one noticed? Eeek. Can't figure out if my ickiness is stress, or lack of sleep or something else. I speculate that someone is sneaking gluten into my food. (Caleb, I will retaliate with ham!)
I got my long awaited knitting book with the swear in the title yesterday. I also let myself loose in a craft store...beads on sale. All I want to do is be crafty, but I can't, with all this school and junk. Three midterms on Monday and Tuesday next week. Oiy.
In other news, my mother is hilarious. I wish I could tape record all the ridiculous things she says in a day. We had a conversation about vegetarianism the other night, and her conclusion was this: "Yes, I do think I'm against cruelty to monkeys."